"...for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow..."

The other day at (you guessed it) the library, the boys and I were back in the board book section when I turned around in panic to see Big Bro walking quickly past the children's tables toward the exit, book in hand. He was saying something to me in his usual quiet voice, and the low buzz from the packed kids' section made it impossible for me to hear him. I sprinted after him, leaving Little Bro alone in the baby book area, fully expecting to return later to see every single book on the floor. I caught up with Big Bro quickly; he was just reaching the end of the children's section, and I asked him where he was going. "I'm yooking for an empty table," he said.

What an eye opener. My child is no longer the unpredictable toddler who runs out of the building with no warning. He is now the little boy who chooses a book and goes to find a table so he can sit and read. I am ridiculously proud of him, but it's bittersweet seeing him grow up. Soon enough no one will need me to chase or clean up after them, and I must admit that I didn't mind at all when I had to replace all the books Little Bro had thrown to the floor in my absence.


  1. Sarah,
    It is one of life's greatest ironies, that we work so hard to help our babies grow up and the pangs we feel when they do exactly that. This brought a tear to the grandma's eye. Enjoy this precious time with your babies.

  2. A great blog, thanks a lot.



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