Simple 3-year-old Joys

My sons have too many toys. WAY too many. This is not a problem, though, because of the delightful invention of "toy rotation." I don't know what mom first invented this, but I am indebted to her, and to those who have passed on this wisdom to me. Here's how it works. Big Bro has an uncanny memory for things like that one time Mommy let him rub spaghetti all over his head (so why can't he do it every time?). But, take away a toy for a month, bring it out again, and it's like he's never seen it before.

Case in point... Two nights ago I put away a couple of toys that I decided the boys weren't ready for -- too many pieces had already been swallowed or fished out of various orifices, or it had to be hot-glued too many times because they thought a wooden toy garage was for sitting on, jumping on, or punishing little brothers with. Don't ask. While putting these away, I saw a few other toys they hadn't seen in a few weeks and brought them out. One puzzle, a pound-the-peg toy (sans hammer!), and a stick horse. No big deal. So Big Bro comes upstairs the next morning and brightens when he notices the puzzle. He plays with it for a minute. He glances at the pound-the-peg toy on the coffee table: "Yook at dat!" and after playing with it for a second, he screeches "Is it Cwistmas morning?!?!"

Yes, Big Bro. Every morning since the day you were born.


  1. Hi, Rainy,
    I love the picture and the blog! It was so well written. We need that kind of encouragement. I know exactly what you're talking about. I missed so many opportunities to have friends over because I wanted the house perfect first....and of course that never happened. You are wise to fuggetaboudit. Love, Mom


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