Another "Day in the Life"

What did we do today?

I got up and did my coffee/bible/devotional time (Oswald Chambers--deep stuff!) and prayed for my family. The boys came out and did their "first things" too. They take a shower if it's their day, get dressed, feed the dog, drink water, and read their bibles. Big bro wrote a prayer/poem of thanks in his prayer journal (This is not a usual occurrence!) while Little Bro did his math workbook.

After that, they began their day with Legos as usual. Big bro is really into Shakespeare right now, so lots of his current Lego play revolves around that. He constructed a scene from MacBeth. I got him a set of kid-version books of all the plays, which he's been enjoying.

We had breakfast--eggs with butter, onions and green peppers, and a smoothie with lettuce, blueberries, spinach/banana, yogurt, and blood oranges. I read from our One-Year Bible, and the Window on the World page about Vietnam. Then, I read from the Peter the Great book we're reading (we're studying the Renaissance).

I organized our library of Sonlight books (our History/Literature/Geography/Bible curriculum). We have a LOT of books. I decided to order the remaining books we need for next year. 'Cause we need more books. (!)

There was more Lego play, Little bro did some drawing and birthday card creating, and they read for half an hour. Big bro read A Question of Yams, and Little bro read half of Viking Adventure. Other reading material today was picture books and Highlights magazine and a little nonfiction about snakes. Little bro decided never to visit Africa because of the black mamba snake. Scary stuff.

Time for lunch already?! I made tuna salad with yogurt, Meyer lemon, avocado, apple, olive oil, and celery. Meant to get some dill from the garden but forgot. While they ate, I read from New Toes for Tia (missionary story from Thailand).

Big bro and I worked on 3s and 4s in his multiplication and division facts. Little bro did his math workbook. They played GI Joe in the front yard. I finally took a shower.

I asked Big bro how I should cook the potatoes tonight, and he decided to make an early dinner. He peeled 2 pounds of potatoes, and I showed him how to cut them into cubes. He learned how to cut up an onion, too (I took over after he did a few cuts, for the sake of our eyes) and a green pepper. He started that in a pan with butter, salt and pepper for Potatoes O'brien. I stirred while he prepared fried eggs, over easy. So, we had the same meal twice in one day, just with potatoes added. It was delicious.

We leashed the dog and rode bikes to the park. The boys played for an hour while I walked the dog.

They cleaned up Legos and had a yogurt/banana/almond snack while I picked up our CSA box.

They finished cleaning up and got ready for bed. We picked out a new Compassion child for each of them to sponsor (both in Mexico--close enough to visit someday! and with the same ages and birthdays as my boys!). Then a chapter of Strawberry Girl, and bedtime and prayers.

I snacked on some yogurt, almonds and strawberries I didn't need but were so good.

It was a good day. He makes beautiful things!


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