Touch & Smell

When I think of the ways I enjoy our Father's creation, sights come to mind first. Fat gray and pink sunrise clouds after it's rained all night. Late afternoon haze across the green shadowed hills. And then sounds. Mourning doves, thunder, frog song, little girl giggles. Then taste. Raspberries, olive oil, goat cheese, tears.

Touch and smell are last to come to mind, but they are the most special, the most intimate. Those are how I most deeply experience God's ultimate creation, his children.

I could sit alone indoors and still see a beautiful sunset or Big Bro's skinny little legs running around outside. I could lie alone in the dark and still hear the crickets' call or Little Bro's gentle coos from the monitor.

But I have to be close to drink in the sweet scent of my little boys' sweaty heads. I have to be close to feel my husband's rough, strong hand around mine. Big Bro's warm breath on my arm as we read a book. Wet raspberries on my belly from a silly little mouth. And yes, even the whiff of a messy diaper means that I'm near the ones I love, my favorite creations of all.


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