Cleanliness vs. Godliness

I used to clean every crook and nanny before company. I remember the "how" of it - not having children was a big factor. But the "why" is a bit murkier. Subconsciously, I think I felt that a pastor's wife should appear perfect in every way, including keeping the house in perfect order.

Call it a stretch, or an excuse, but now I feel that presenting a slightly messy, slightly dirty home to company is humbler, kinder, and more honest than spending the two hours prior scrubbing like a madwoman. First, there ARE those unexperienced souls who put pastors and their families on a pedestal to begin with, and maybe seeing some dust on my bookshelves or dried milk spatter under the highchair helps show that we're more normal - and imperfect - than they imagined. But more importantly, our handprint-ridden mirror might allow another family to worry less about their own messy house when we come to visit, and leave more time for the things that really matter.


  1. Sarah, Love your thoughts on this, and so excited you have a blog. It inspires me to actually write in my blog! I don't do it as much as I would like. I like your thoughts from a "pastor family" perspective. Thought provoking... So many times we don't have people over because they would see our messy house now that Claire has been born, which is really just a shame. Thanks for sharing!


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