Do Not Judge

I have learned a few very valuable things over the 12 years since I met God. One of my favorites, which has brought so much peace into my life, is what it truly means to not judge others. I think it has taken me so long to learn this one because I needed to have my share of big screw-ups to really appreciate the effects that our fallen world can have on a person. I wish I could remember who said, "Only God knows the whole story about anyone."

Before I think negatively about someone, I try to put myself in their shoes. When a car full of rascals pumping way-too-loud, obscenity-filled music passes by my children, I try not to stare daggers at them, but remember what it was like to be a teenager when your world revolves around only yourself and all that matters is figuring out how to be cool and fit in.

When the lady in front of me in the grocery line sends the bagger to the back of the store for different eggs, then sorts through her coupons for 5 minutes after her groceries have all been scanned, then chats with the checker for another 2 minutes before moving on, I imagine how her money is tight, and her eyes and mind are not as sharp as they once were, and how lonely she is after her husband passed away.

When I see murderers on the news, I imagine the pattern of abuse and dysfunction in their upbringing that is all they know. Or terrorists, and the brainwashing that fundamentalist religious groups do to drive their children to commit such horrors. There is no justification for these things, but would I have done the same in their shoes, and without the love and truth of Jesus Christ in my life?

This is why I do not justify, and I do not judge. Only God knows the whole story, and it is very freeing to not try to do His job, but only to do mine: to pray for my enemies, and to love my neighbor.


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