1095 Days of Sunshine

Big Bro turned three today. I used to record all his memorable moments in a journal, but my hand starts to cramp just thinking about writing down all of today's joy. But I can type.

I was towelling off when I heard him wake up over the monitor, his munchkin voice singing "Ring around the Rosy." That's how he began his big day.

When I went down to get him, I told him Happy Birthday, and he said Happy Birthday right back to me. That's how it went most of the day. Like Merry Christmas or Happy Easter. The sentiments are reciprocal. Why should a birthday be any different?

He came upstairs to find balloons, always exciting. Under the balloons were a new roundhouse and turntable for his trains. He was excited and played until we dragged him (not quite kicking and screaming) away for banana pancakes. He savored his breakfast until he almost popped.

By the benevolence of the cheap birthday fun gods, Big Bro's birthday was also First-Tuesday-Free-Museum-Day at Balboa Park. We went to the Science Center first...yowza, what a madhouse, but what fun. Then the Model Railroad Museum. More madhouse, more fun. Then home for naps.

Later he opened his favorite gift, a whole box of new Thomas engines, most of his favorites from the DVDs. Thank you Daddy for getting this on video, because watching the excitement-joy-surprise on his face and in his voice will brighten my countenance for years to come. All I can say is PRECIOUS. So precious.

We dragged him (very much kicking and screaming) away from his new trains to the patio for dinner. I made delicious homemade mac & cheese, which Big Bro literally gagged on when we finally coaxed him to take a bite, and would only eat his carrots, broccoli, fruit, ham, and cake. I would be willing to bet a large sum that he is the only 3-year-old in this country who willingly eats broccoli but cannot palate macaroni & cheese. But he IS human. He cannot resist cake.

More trains. More presents. More fun. Dragged (kicking and screaming again) into the bathtub. Tired enough to be sweet and kiss me goodnight, and say I love you too Mommy. "God bless you, sweet child. Happy Birthday." The day ended just as it began: "Happy Birthday" right back at me. And that it was.


  1. That sounds like an absolutely fabulous day! Happy Birthday Calvin!


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