Library Love

Speaking of taxes (last post), one of my favorite uses for all that money is the library. Another ingenious idea for which I am so thankful! I almost never buy books anymore. I discovered the merits of the library when we lived in Pasadena and don't plan to ever stop.

You get to read all the books (watch all the videos, etc.) you want, except:
You don't have to shop around for the best price.
You don't have to pay for them.
If you don't end up liking a book, you haven't wasted any money.
The time limit motivates you to finish a book.
You don't have to find space for them.
You don't have to dust them.
You don't have to pack and unpack them when you move.
Less clutter, less waste.

Sure, there are occasions to buy a book. Sometimes the library doesn't have certain ones, it usually takes a while to get newly published books, and it's nice to own reference books or ones that you re-read often. But for the most part, I am happy to have sparse bookshelves!


  1. Agreed Sarah! Not only is it thrifty, but I hate how books pile up and then you have to find a place for them. I'd much rather them go to a library or passed of to a friend. We got a new library in La Mesa a while back and while I was unemployed I used to go in there and bring my laptop to job search. It made a great office and reminded me of being in college.


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