What Makes a Man?

A conversation between Daddy and Big Bro from a couple months ago that one of us had written down.

Big Bro: What are we doing tomorrow, Daddy?

Daddy: I'm going to work tomorrow.

Big Bro: Do I have to go to work?

Daddy: Well, one day you'll have to go to work.

Big Bro: Why do you have to go to work?

Daddy: Because I'm a man, and that's what a man does, go to work. And sometimes mommies go to work. We're lucky, our mommy stays home. When you grow up to be a man you'll work.

Big Bro: I have a face and tummy and legs. I am a man.

Daddy: I'll teach you how to be a man.

Isn't that interesting? What is a man? Do you become a real man when you have a man's face, legs, and tummy (and beard and when you're tall and turn eighteen)?

Or does a boy have to learn how to become a man? I believe it's the latter. The book Raising a Modern Day Knight has a lot to say about this. I highly recommend it.


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