
For a couple weeks I have been reading to Big Bro from The House at Pooh Corner. It baffles me that he is interested in it, because A.A. Milne's writing is much more complex than the kinds of things we expect three-year-olds to follow. One of the first stories I read to him was the one in which Pooh invents the game of Poohsticks. They drop sticks off one side of the bridge, then go over to see whose floats out the other side first. One time, the sticks don't come, but then out floats Eeyore who had fallen into the water much farther up the river.

A simple plot, but it's not written as straightforwardly (is that a word?) as that. Afterwards, Big Bro acted out the game of Poohsticks just as it happened in the story: he dropped his stick off one side of the bridge, went over to the other side, and I asked if it had come out the other side, and he said, "Yes, but it's Eeyore!" I always knew there would be a time when his comprehension astounded me. This is the first. A momentous day!


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