Change is Inevitable

For a while, things were going smoothly, or as smoothly as things can go for a mother of toddler and preschool boys. But as children grow, ways of thinking and doing things must change. Both boys have made transitions recently which have rocked my little world.

Big Bro's developments:
- He has finally called us on our increasingly lax discipline - by way of doing nothing we tell him to, and everything we tell him not to.
- He likes to rough house with his brother. Boys will be boys, but how to teach what is fun and what is too rough?

Little Bro's developments:
- He has learned that doing something naughty gains him attention. Time-outs are a fun game, where he walks out of time-out laughing, and mom/dad puts him back. Nonstop. For 2 minutes. Many times a day.
- He can now climb onto chairs - and up to Brother's toys. Brother is less than thrilled.

So, I am anxiously awaiting a couple Dobson books on discipline I ordered. But what I really want is Supernanny. No, not really. She could probably help a bit with Big Bro, but she's no match for a mischievous toddler. I think I'm just going to have to rely on prayer. Lots and lots of prayer.


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