Toy Store(y) II

Well, two years later, we are still doing toy stores in the front yard. This kid loves to make money. He drags Little Bro out on the Fourth of July to sit behind a wagon full of toys with masking tape price tags. They sit for hours. Our wonderful neighbors come by and make a donation or a purchase. 

Big Bro wants to pull the wagon around the neighborhood, but I draw the line. Even though he's only eight, a permit must need to be involved at some point. I see big business in his future! 

Sometimes Little Bro sells his pictures or paper boats. I secretly dream that the boys will be entrepreneurs together, Little Bro as the creative head and Big Bro as the businessman. 

But then I also dream that Big Bro's passion for justice, creative problem solving ability, and persistence will serve him as an attorney working for social justice. And Little Bro's love for people and art could serve him so well as a life events photographer.

Calm down, Mommy. Stop planning, and pray. God's plan for their lives will be even more perfect.


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