
I just visited this old blog and realized that I really miss writing! So many changes since my blogging sabbatical. New house, fine art career begun, bigger kids, healthy husband, and finally... actually... not quite officially, but definitely... gearing up for homeschool.

First course: Swimming! Bought the DVD (Waterproof kids. I recommend it!), bought the book, buying the 10-visit pass at the community pool. Let's see how we do.

Favorite quotes of late:

-I treasure those little things Big Bro still doesn't get quite right: "erfquick" (earthquake), "I've never had that in a long, long time ago." (I haven't had that for a long time.)

-Mommy: "Big Bro, please don't touch the books. You have pasta sauce all over your hands, and we don't want your bible to get all yucky." Big Bro: "Yeah, cause then we'd have to look at dirty pictures of Jesus and the disciples." (No joke. Word for word.)

-Big Bro is becoming quite good at coming up with convincing reasons for what he wants. On saying goodbye to a friend who had been visiting us from out of town, he offered that she could take Little Bro home with her because her husband would really like to see him.

-EVERY small child has the cutest way of saying hamburger. Little Bro's is "hanga-beh."

-Little Bro: "Can we make hass bwowns and wocket sips?" (Daddy's specialties)

-Daddy: "Boys, where should we take Mommy for a Mother's Day Picnic today?" Little Bro: "We go to da dump!" (This is one of their new favorite places because of all the cool construction vehicles. Still, not my first choice for my Mother's Day picnic.)


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