A New Kind of Joy

Daddy and I returned today from a three-day vacation on Catalina Island. It was a fun and refreshing tenth anniversary trip with just the right mix of things to do and nothing to do.

This was my first time away from the boys overnight (two nights!), so I had never before had the opportunity to really miss them. Truth be told, aside from a little teariness as we drove away, I didn't miss them at all for the first 24 hours. But my fondness grew as the absence prolonged, and by the time we pulled into the driveway this evening, I was itching to bound up the two flights of stairs to see my angels.

We shut the car doors and, as we walked to the elevator (racing up the staircase didn't sound like such a good idea when I remembered the heavy bags that accompanied us), we whistled up at the open windows. We were just out of the windows' view when we heard Big Bro, in his most excited voice, gasp, "They're here! THEY'RE HEEEEEEERE!"

After the longest elevator ride of my life, we opened the door to see my mom and dad, and two deer in headlights. Their smiles grew, and their eyes twinkled. They ran to us. Big Bro hugged and kissed me, and told me how he had missed me. To the average reader this would seem a matter of course. But Daddy is the apple of his sons' eyes, and decidedly NOT Mommy; it is rare that Big Bro shows me sincere affection, even rarer that he gives it unbidden. This zealous display of love from him was brand new to me, and it filled me to overflowing. Little Bro was kissier and clingier than usual, too.

I decided then that I would like to leave my children more often, not only to recharge my own batteries, but to recharge theirs!


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